I want to start off by saying that this game is very well done and has absolutely stunning graphics! But I do have some things I would like to bring up, and why my rating is so low. First of all, this games controls are kind of difficult to figure out. It seems to me that the control is too sensitive. If I curve my finger while swiping, my jellyfish goes in a whole different direction! This makes it very hard to escape from enemies. Secondly, and lastly, and most importantly, this game is kind of creepy. And I know I sound like a total and utter wuss, but PLEASE just hear me out. I dont really mind the fact that the setting is a darkened cavern, and your lighting it up, but its the enemies that really get to me. Those eyes and teeth, they really put me in the fear zone. Now I know that angler fish and stuff like that are very scary looking (even creepier than in the game, most definitely), and they are suppose to look like that, but, again, just please please please hear me out. Think of yourself as the jellyfish. Having to survive in a pitch black environment, and being able to see only with the light that comes off of you would be terrifying. And (still from the jellyfishs point of view) having to constantly run from horrifying enemies that want to eat you is scary. The fact that this game is rated 4 and up really surprised me. If a kid at 5 years old would play this, I guarantee you they would be creeped out when they actually started playing. Again, this is all just my opinion, so for you people who just bring people down for stating their minds, please keep your thoughts to yourself, because even though you may not realize it its kind of rude. Thank you in advance for respecting my opinion and thoughts about this game.